Konstruktive råd til NEK og IEC – Resultat fra workshop
Under globalt standardiseringsseminar 21.april var det gruppearbeid hvor deltakerne arbeidet seg frem til gode råd til NEK/IEC for å øke deltakelsen i standardiseringsarbeidet. NEK setter stor pris på råd fra aktive deltakere i komitearbeid og vil vurdere alle rådene nøye.
Punktene under oppsummerer gruppenes konklusjoner:
Group 1 “How can stakeholders in Norway better participate in IEC standardization”?
Indeed the group ended up more to discuss how to reach the level of participation – how to get in to it:
- Generally; more information (advertisement) to management in companies so that they understand the importance of participation in the development of standards (to get time and money for it).
- Make it clearer that it is possible to have influence on standards development even if you come from a small company (e.g. participate in a WG or SC).
- More help/support from the National Committee, especially in information about how to participate.
- Schools, universities and other educational institutions should be more informed about the work of IEC and the National Committee.
- Put it more on the agenda for the National Industry – Innovation Norway is an important actor.
- Try to get the stakeholders closer to the process – so that they “feel a sort of nearness” to the development of standards. This might be more of a challenge for the National Committee.
- Sort of Information about the cost for testing. “Ok, now we finally got a standard, and then it sometimes comes as a “shock” for the manufacturers that it might be very expensive to test the product according to the standard. Are there a sort of “win-win situation” due to the fact that it might be expensive to perform tests? This should be more communicated on both national and international level.
Group 2 “How would I improve IEC Standardization Process”?
Group 2 gave the following advice:
- Possibility to receive documents from only one WG, instead of the whole TC in myIEC, myNewDocs.
- The future standard number should be included in the filename of the draft, without making it too long.
- When revising a draft, a change-overview should be made for the large changes, in addition to a line in the margin for minor changes. This would save a lot of time for the persons reading and commenting it.
- There is a wish of seeing other NCs comments that are already collected before commenting, and to be able to supplement comment of other NCs comments.
- Increased use of IT tools for the IEC Standardization Processes with continued ease of use.
Group 3 “How would I improve IEC tools”?
Group 3 gave the following advice:
- Figures and tables should be possible to put into the lines of the commenting form
- Word 2010 use “Colibri” for formulas / equations. IEC tool for Arial is desired
- Standards map like for smart grid are beneficial
- Current projects have nice project listings. Similar would be nice for also finished projects