
2014 et godt år for internasjonal elektroteknisk standardisering

Dette året har vært et godt år for internasjonal elektroteknisk standardisering. IEC har utviklet seg videre og elektroteknisk standardisering sprer seg til nye faglige og geografiske områder.

IECs president, dr. Junij Nomura

Vi velger denne gangen å oppsummere året ved å gjengi utdrag fra «årstalen» til IECs president, dr. Junij Nomura, holdt på IECs generalforsamling i Tokyo i november. Han la vekt på at tradisjonell elsikkerhet fortsatt er viktig for IEC, samtidig som teknologisk utvikling skal følges opp på andre områder. Han understreket industriens viktige betydning og bidrag i dette arbeidet.

Traditionally electrical safety has been one of the pillars of the IEC. Today, while electrical safety remains one of our core strengths, the IEC is also renowned for its work on an extensive array of technologies. These range from nanotechnologies and white goods to complete transportation infrastructures and energy systems. Today our work impacts virtually every industry in the world.

Electric and electronic technologies are entwined in the majority of the products and services we come across in our daily lives – both at home and at work. This has accelerated with the move towards a smart world. After all, technologies are “smart” because of the electrotechnology behind them.

…. the essence of the IEC: I believe that you will all agree with me when I say that we must maintain our unique and strong relations with industry. If our work remains industry driven, we can be sure that we continue to identify and respond to our users’ needs. With the huge integration of electrotechnology in traditional and emerging products and services, the number of industry sectors that can benefit from IEC work is growing.

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