Komiteoversikt NEK-IEC-CENELEC
Norske komiteer speiler og påvirker det internasjonale arbeidet i IEC og CENELEC

Oppdatert oversikt 1. mars 2024
De aller fleste komiteene speiler tilsvarende komiteer på europeisk og internasjonalt nivå. Publikasjonene disse komiteene arbeider med vil bli internasjonalt anerkjente standarder, spesifikasjoner eller tekniske rapporter.
Størrelsen og aktiviteten i speilkomiteene avhenger av nasjonal interesse innen fagområdet. I enkelte speilkomiteer har man kun en observerende rolle, mens for andre er det et aktivt norsk miljø.
Internasjonalt er det rundt 140 komiteer, med aktiv norsk deltagelse i de fleste av disse. Komiteene består av fageksperter fra norsk næringsliv, myndigheter og forvaltningen. Det er ca. 1000 medlemmer i NEKs komiteer og mange har flere verv.
NEK | Tittel | IEC | Title | CENELEC | Title |
NEK/NK-BTTF/116-2 | NEK/NK-BTTF/116-2 NORGES ALKOLÅSKOMITE | CLC/BTTF 116-2 | Alcohol interlocks | ||
NEK/NK1 | NEK/NK1 TERMINOLOGI | TC 1 | Terminology | CLC/SR 1 | Terminology |
NEK/NK2 | NEK/NK2 ROTERENDE MASKINER | TC 2 | Rotating machinery | CLC/TC 2 | Rotating machinery |
NEK/NK3 | NEK/NK3 DOKUMENTASJON, SYMBOLER OG KLEMMEMERKING | TC 3 | Documentation, graphical symbols and representations of technical information | CLC/SR 3 | Information structures, documentation and graphical symbols |
SC 3C | Graphical symbols for use on equipment | CLC/SR 3C | Graphical symbols for use on equipment | ||
SC 3D | Classes, Properties and Identification of products – Common Data Dictionary (CDD) | CLC/SR 3D | Product properties and classes and their identification | ||
NEK/NK4 | NEK/NK4 VANNTURBINER | TC 4 | Hydraulic turbines | CLC/SR 4 | Hydraulic turbines |
NEK/NK5 | NEK/NK5 DAMPTURBINER | TC 5 | Steam turbines | CLC/SR 5 | Steam turbines |
NEK/NK7/36 | NEK/NK7/36 LINER FOR LUFTLEDNINGER OG ISOLATORER | TC 7 | Overhead electrical conductors | CLC/TC 7X | Overhead electrical conductors |
TC 36 | Insulators | CLC/SR 36 | Insulators | ||
SC 36A | Insulated bushings | CLC/TC 36A | Insulated bushings | ||
NEK/NK8 | NEK/NK8 ELEKTRISKE OVERFØRINGS- OG DISTRIBUSJONSSYSTEMER | TC 8 | System aspects of electrical energy supply | CLC/TC 8X | System aspects of electrical energy supply |
SC 8A | Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Generation | ||||
SC 8B | Decentralized electrical energy systems | ||||
SC 8C | Network Management in Interconnected Electric Power Systems | ||||
SyC Smart Energy | Smart Energy | CLC/SR Smart Energy | Smart Energy | ||
NEK/NK9 | NEK/NK9 ELEKTRISKE JERNBANEANLEGG | TC 9 | Electrical equipment and systems for railways | CLC/TC 9X | Standardization of electrical and electronic systems, equipment and associated software for use in all railway applications, whether on vehicles or fixed installations, including urban transport. This includes in particular communication, information, supervision and control systems. |
CLC/SC 9XA | Communication, signalling and processing systems | ||||
CLC/SC 9XB | Electromechanical material on board rolling stock | ||||
CLC/SC 9XC | Electric supply and earthing systems for public transport equipment and ancillary apparatus (Fixed installations) | ||||
NEK/NK10 | NEK/NK10 VÆSKER OG GASSER FOR ELEKTROTEKNISKE ANVENDELSER | TC 10 | Fluids for electrotechnical applications | CLC/SR 10 | Fluids for electrotechnical applications |
NEK/NK11 | NEK/NK11 LUFTLEDNINGER | TC 11 | Overhead lines | CLC/TC 11 | Overhead electrical lines exceeding 1 kV a.c. (1,5 kV d.c.) |
NEK/NK13/38 | NEK/NK13/38 ELMÅLESYSTEMER OG MÅLETRANSFORMATORER | TC 13 | Electrical energy measurement and control | CLC/TC 13 | Electrical energy measurement and control |
TC 38 | Instrument Transformers | CLC/TC 38 | Instrument transformers | ||
TC 14 | Power transformers | CLC/TC 14 | Power transformers |
NEK/NK15 | NEK/NK15 ISOLASJONSMATERIALER OG -SYSTEMER | TC 15 | Solid electrical insulating materials | CLC/SR 15 | Solid electrical insulating materials |
NEK/NK17 | NEK/NK17 BRYTERE | TC 17 | High-voltage switchgear and controlgear | CLC/TC 17AC | High-voltage switchgear and controlgear |
SC 17A | Switching devices | ||||
SC 17C | Assemblies | ||||
TC 18 | Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units | CLC/TC 18X | Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units |
NEK/NK18A | NEK/NK18A ELEKTRISKE KABLER FOR SKIP OG FLYTTBARE OG FASTE OFFSHORE-INNRETNINGER | SC 18A | Electric cables for ships and mobile and fixed offshore units | CLC/SR 18A | Electric cables for ships and mobile and fixed offshore units |
NEK/NK20 | NEK/NK20 ELEKTRISKE KABLER | TC 20 | Electric cables | CLC/TC 20 | Electric cables |
NEK/NK21/120 | NEK/NK21/120 SEKUNDÆRBATTERIER OG ENERGILAGRINGSSYSTEMER | TC 21 | Secondary cells and batteries | CLC/TC 21X | Secondary cells and batteries |
SC 21A | Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes | CLC/TC 121A | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear | ||
TC 120 | Electrical Energy Storage (EES) systems | CLC/SR 120 | Electrical Energy Storage (EES) Systems | ||
CEN/CLC/WS DEFACTO | Definition of parameters required for modelling of the material, cell and manufacturing process behaviour for battery cells for the automotive market | ||||
NEK/NK22 | NEK/NK22 KRAFTELEKTRONIKK | TC 22 | Power electronic systems and equipment | CLC/TC 22X | Power electronics |
SC 22E | Stabilized power supplies | ||||
SC 22F | Power electronics for electrical transmission and distribution systems | ||||
SC 22G | Adjustable speed electric power drive systems (PDS) | ||||
SC 22H | Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) | ||||
NEK/NK23 | NEK/NK23 INSTALLASJONSMATERIELL | TC 23 | Electrical accessories | CLC/SR 23 | Electrical accessories |
NEK/NK23A/213 | NEK/NK23A/213 Kablingssystemer | SC 23A | Cable management systems | ||
NEK/NK213 CLC | NEK/NK213 CLC Kablingssystemer (Arbeidsområdet ivaretas av NK23A/213) | CLC/TC 213 | Cable management systems | ||
NEK/NK23B | NEK/NK23B Plugger, stikkontakter og brytere (Ivaretar også Ref.gruppe SCHUKO) | SC 23B | Plugs, socket-outlets and switches | CLC/SR 23B | Plugs, socket-outlets and switches |
NEK/NK23B+C | NEK/NK23B+C Plugger, stikkontakter og brytere (Ivaretar også Ref.gruppe SCHUKO) | CLC/TC 23BX | Switches, boxes and enclosures for household and similar purposes, plugs and socket outlet for D.C. | ||
NEK/NK23E | NEK/NK23E Jordfeilbrytere og automatsikringer | SC 23E | Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use | CLC/TC 23E | Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications |
NEK/NK23G | NEK/NK23G Apparatkontakter | SC 23G | Appliance couplers | CLC/SR 23G | Appliance couplers |
NEK/NK23H | NEK/NK23H Industrikontakter og plugger | SC 23H | Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for industrial and similar applications, and for Electric Vehicles | CLC/TC 23H | Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for industrial and similar applications, and for Electric Vehicles |
SC 23J | Switches for appliances | CLC/SR 23J | Switches for appliances | ||
SC 23K | Electrical Energy Efficiency products | CLC/SR 23K | Electrical energy efficiency products | ||
NEK/NK25 | NEK/NK25 BOKSTAVSYMBOLER | TC 25 | Quantities and units | CLC/SR 25 | Quantities and units |
NEK/NK26 | NEK/NK26 ELEKTRISK SVEISING | TC 26 | Electric welding | CLC/TC 26 | Electric welding |
NEK/NK27 | NEK/NK27 INDUSTRIELL ELEKTROVARME | TC 27 | Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing | CLC/SR 27 | Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing |
NEK/NK29 | NEK/NK29 ELEKTROAKUSTIKK | TC 29 | Electroacoustics | CLC/SR 29 | Electroacoustics |
NEK/NK32 | NEK/NK32 SIKRINGER | TC 32 | Fuses | CLC/SR 32 | Fuses |
SC 32A | High-voltage fuses | CLC/SR 32A | High-voltage fuses | ||
SC 32B | Low-voltage fuses | CLC/SR 32B | Low-voltage fuses | ||
SC 32C | Miniature fuses | CLC/SR 32C | Miniature fuses | ||
NEK/NK33 | NEK/NK33 KONDENSATORER FOR KRAFTSYSTEMER | TC 33 | Power capacitors and their applications | CLC/SR 33 | Power capacitors and their applications |
NEK/NK31/204/216 | NEK/NK31/204/216 EKSPLOSJONSFARLIGE OMRÅDER | TC 31 | Equipment for explosive atmospheres | CLC/TC 31 | Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres |
SC 31G | Intrinsically-safe apparatus | ||||
SC 31J | Classification of hazardous areas and installation requirements | ||||
SC 31M | Non-electrical equipment and protective systems for explosive atmospheres | ||||
CLC/SC 31-8 | Electrostatic painting and finishing equipment | ||||
CLC/SC 31-9 | Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases to be used in industrial and commercial potentially explosive atmospheres | ||||
CLC/TC 204 | Safety of electrostatic painting and finishing equipment | ||||
CLC/TC 216 | Gas detectors
NEK/NK34 | NEK/NK34 LAMPER OG TILHØRENDE UTSTYR | TC 34 | Lighting | CLC/TC 34 | Lighting |
SC 34A | Electric light sources | ||||
SC 34B | Lamp caps and holders | ||||
SC 34C | Auxiliaries for lamps | ||||
SC 34D | Luminaires | ||||
NEK/NK35 | NEK/NK35 TØRRELEMENTER OG BATTERIER | TC 35 | Primary cells and batteries | CLC/SR 35 | Primary cells and batteries |
NEK/NK37 | NEK/NK37 OVERSPENNINGSAVLEDERE | TC 37 | Surge arresters | CLC/SR 37 | Surge arresters |
SC 37A | Low-voltage surge protective devices | CLC/TC 37A | Low voltage surge protective devices | ||
SC 37B | Components for low-voltage surge protection | CLC/SR 37B | Components for low-voltage surge protection | ||
NEK/NK40 | NEK/NK40 KONDENSATORER OG MOTSTANDER FOR ELEKTRONISK UTSTYR | TC 40 | Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment | CLC/SR 40 | Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment |
CLC/TC 40XA | Capacitors and EMI suppression components | ||||
CLC/TC 40XB | Resistors | ||||
NEK/NK42 | NEK/NK42 HØYSPENNINGS PRØVETEKNIKK | TC 42 | High-voltage and high-current test techniques | CLC/SR 42 | High-voltage and high-current test techniques |
CLC/BTTF 128-2 | Erection and operation of electrical test equipment | ||||
NEK/NK44 | NEK/NK44 SIKKERHET I MASKINER – ELEKTROTEKNISKE ASPEKTER | TC 44 | Safety of machinery – Electrotechnical aspects | CLC/TC 44X | Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects |
SC 45A | Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems of nuclear facilities | CLC/TC 45AX | Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems of nuclear facilities | ||
SC 45B | Radiation protection instrumentation | CLC/TC 45B | Radiation protection instrumentation | ||
NEK/NK46 | NEK/NK46 KABLER, LEDNINGER OG BØLGELEDERE FOR TELEKOMMUNIKASJONSUTSTYR | TC 46 | Cables, wires, waveguides, RF connectors, RF and microwave passive components and accessories | CLC/TC 46X | Communication cables |
SC 46A | Coaxial cables | CLC/SC 46XA | Coaxial cables | ||
SC 46C | Wires and symmetric cables | CLC/SC 46XC | Multicore, multipair and quad data communication cables | ||
SC 46F | RF and microwave passive components | CLC/SR 46F | RF and microwave passive components | ||
NEK/NK47 | NEK/NK47 HALVLEDERUTSTYR | TC 47 | Semiconductor devices | CLC/TC 47X | Semiconductor devices and trusted chips |
CLC/SR 47 | Semiconductor devices | ||||
SC 47A | Integrated circuits | CLC/SR 47A | Integrated circuits | ||
SC 47D | Semiconductor devices packaging | CLC/SR 47D | Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices | ||
SC 47E | Discrete semiconductor devices | CLC/SR 47E | Discrete semiconductor devices | ||
SC 47F | Micro-electromechanical systems | CLC/SR 47F | Micro-electromechanical systems | ||
NEK/NK48 | NEK/NK48 ELEKTROMEKANISKE KOMPONENTER FOR ELEKTRONISK UTSTYR | TC 48 | Electrical connectors and mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment | CLC/SR 48 | Electromechanical components and mechanical structures for electronic equipment |
SC 48B | Electrical connectors | CLC/SR 48B | Electrical connectors | ||
SC 48D | Mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment | CLC/SR 48D | Mechanical structures for electronic equipment | ||
NEK/NK49 | NEK/NK49 PIEZOELEKTRISKE KRYSTALLER OG TILHØRENDE UTSTYR | TC 49 | Piezoelectric, dielectric and electrostatic devices and associated materials for frequency control, selection and detection | CLC/SR 49 | Piezoelectric and dielectric devices for frequency control and selection |
NEK/NK51 | NEK/NK51 MAGNETISKE KOMPONENTER OG FERRITMATERIALER | TC 51 | Magnetic components, ferrite and magnetic powder materials | CLC/SR 51 | Magnetic components and ferrite materials |
NEK/NK55 | NEK/NK55 VIKLETRÅD | TC 55 | Winding wires | CLC/TC 55 | Winding wires |
NEK/NK56 | NEK/NK56 DRIFTSSIKKERHET | TC 56 | Dependability | CLC/SR 56 | Dependability |
NEK/NK57 | NEK/NK57 INFORMASJONSFORVALTNING FOR ELKRAFTSYSTEM | TC 57 | Power systems management and associated information exchange | CLC/TC 57 | Power systems management and associated information exchange |
NEK/NK59 | NEK/NK59 Funksjonsprøving av elektriske apparater for hjemmebruk | TC 59 | Performance of household and similar electrical appliances | CLC/TC 59X | Performance of household and similar electrical appliances |
NEK/NK59A | NEK/NK59A Oppvaskmaskiner | SC 59A | Electric dishwashers | ||
NEK/NK59C | NEK/NK59C Apparater for oppvarming | SC 59C | Electrical heating appliances for household and similar purposes | ||
NEK/NK59D | NEK/NK59D Apparater for klesvask | SC 59D | Performance of household and similar electrical laundry appliances | ||
NEK/NK59F | NEK/NK59F Gulvbehandlingsmaskiner | SC 59F | Surface cleaning appliances | ||
NEK/NK59K | NEK/NK59K Koke- og stekeapparater og mikrobølgeovner | SC 59K | Performance of household and similar electrical cooking appliances | ||
NEK/NK59L | NEK/NK59L Små husholdningsapparater | SC 59L | Small household appliances | ||
NEK/NK59M | NEK/NK59M Elektriske kjøle- og fryseapparater | SC 59M | Performance of electrical household and similar cooling and freezing appliances | ||
– | – | SC 59N | Electrical air cleaners for household and similar purposes | ||
NEK/NK59X | NEK/NK59X CLC Forbrukerinformasjon om elektriske bruksapparater (Arbeidsområdet ivaretas av NEK/NK59) | ||||
NEK/NK61 | NEK/NK61 ELEKTRISKE BRUKSAPPARATERS SIKKERHET | TC 61 | Safety of household and similar electrical appliances | CLC/TC 61 | Safety of household and similar electrical appliances |
NEK/NK61B | NEK/NK61B Mikrobølgeovner | SC 61B | Safety of microwave appliances for household and commercial use | ||
NEK/NK61C | NEK/NK61C Kjøleskap ol. | SC 61C | Safety of refrigeration appliances for household and commercial use | ||
NEK/NK61D | NEK/NK61D Apparater for luftkondisjonering | SC 61D | Appliances for air-conditioning for household and similar purposes | ||
NEK/NK61E | NEK/NK61E Storkjøkkenapparater o.l. | – | – | ||
NEK/NK61F | NEK/NK61F Håndverktøy | – | – | ||
NEK/NK61H | NEK/NK61H Landbruksapparater | SC 61H | Safety of electrically-operated farm appliances | ||
NEK/NK61J | NEK/NK61J Rengjøringsapparater for industrielt bruk | SC 61J | Electrical motor-operated cleaning appliances for commercial use | ||
NEK/NK62 | NEK/NK62 ELEKTRISK UTSTYR FOR MEDISINSK BRUK | TC 62 | Medical equipment, software, and systems | CLC/TC 62 | Electrical equipment in medical practice |
SC 62A | Common aspects of medical equipment, software, and systems | ||||
SC 62B | Medical imaging equipment, software, and systems | ||||
SC 62C | Equipment for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry | ||||
SC 62D | Particular medical equipment, software, and systems | ||||
NEK/NK64 | NEK/NK64 LAVSPENNINGSANLEGG | TC 64 | Electrical installations and protection against electric shock | CLC/TC 64 | Electrical installations and protection against electric shock |
NEK/NK65 | NEK/NK65 PROSESSINSTRUMENTERING OG -AUTOMATISERING | TC 65 | Industrial-process measurement, control and automation | CLC/TC 65X | Industrial-process measurement, control and automation |
SC 65A | System aspects | ||||
SC 65B | Measurement and control devices | ||||
SC 65C | Industrial networks | ||||
SC 65E | Devices and integration in enterprise systems | ||||
NEK/NK66 | NEK/NK66 ELEKTRONISK MÅLEUTSTYR | TC 66 | Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment | CLC/TC 66X | Safety of measuring, control, and laboratory equipment |
NEK/NK68 | NEK/NK68 MAGNETISKE LEGERINGER OG STÅL | TC 68 | Magnetic alloys and steels | CLC/SR 68 | Magnetic alloys and steels |
NEK/NK69 | NEK/NK69 ELBILER FOR OFFENTLIG VEG MED LADEINFRASTRUKTUR | TC 69 | Electrical power/energy transfer systems for electrically propelled road vehicles and industrial trucks | CLC/TC 69X | Electrical systems for electric road vehicles |
SyC SET | Sustainable Electrified Transportation | CLC/SR SET | Sustainable Electrified Transportation | ||
NEK/NK70 | NEK/NK70 BESKYTTENDE KAPSLING | TC 70 | Degrees of protection provided by enclosures | CLC/SR 70 | Degrees of protection provided by enclosures |
NEK/NK72 | NEK/NK72 AUTOMATISKE ELEKTRISKE REGULATORER OG STYREORGAN | TC 72 | Automatic electrical controls | CLC/TC 72 | Automatic electrical controls |
NEK/NK73 | NEK/NK73 KORTSLUTNINGSSTRØMMER | TC 73 | Short-circuit currents | CLC/SR 73 | Short-circuit currents |
NEK/NK76 | NEK/NK76 LASERUTSTYR | TC 76 | Optical radiation safety and laser equipment | CLC/TC 76 | Optical radiation safety and laser equipment |
NEK/NK78 | NEK/NK78 UTSTYR FOR ARBEID UNDER SPENNING | TC 78 | Live working | CLC/TC 78 | Equipment and tools for live working |
NEK/NK79 | NEK/NK79 ALARMSYSTEMER | TC 79 | Alarm and electronic security systems | CLC/TC 79 | Alarm systems |
NEK/NK80 | NEK/NK80 NAVIGASJONSINSTRUMENTER | TC 80 | Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems | CLC/SR 80 | Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems |
CLC/BTTF 157-1 | Public address and general emergency alarm systems | ||||
NEK/NK81 | NEK/NK81 VERN MOT LYNSKADER | TC 81 | Lightning protection | CLC/TC 81X | Lightning protection |
NEK/NK82 | NEK/NK82 FOTOVOLTAISKE SOLENERGISYSTEMER | TC 82 | Solar photovoltaic energy systems | CLC/TC 82 | Solar photovoltaic energy systems |
NEK/NK85 | NEK/NK85 MÅLEUTSTYR FOR ELEKTROMAGNETISKE STØRRELSER | TC 85 | Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities | CLC/TC 85X | Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities |
NEK/NK86 | NEK/NK86 FIBEROPTIKK | TC 86 | Fibre optics | CLC/SR 86 | Fibre optics |
SC 86A | Fibres and cables | CLC/TC 86A | Optical fibres and optical fibre cables | ||
SC 86B | Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components | CLC/SR 86B | Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components | ||
CLC/TC 86BXA | Fibre optic interconnect, passive and connectorised components | ||||
SC 86C | Fibre optic systems and active devices | CLC/SR 86C | Fibre optic systems and active devices | ||
NEK/NK87 | NEK/NK87 ULTRALYD | TC 87 | Ultrasonics | CLC/SR 87 | Ultrasonics |
NEK/NK88 | NEK/NK88 VINDKRAFTVERK | TC 88 | Wind energy generation systems | CLC/TC 88 | Wind turbines |
NEK/NK89 | NEK/NK89 BRANNPRØVING | TC 89 | Fire hazard testing | CLC/SR 89 | Fire hazard testing |
NEK/NK90 | NEK/NK90 SUPERLEDNING | TC 90 | Superconductivity | CLC/SR 90 | Superconductivity |
NEK/NK91 | NEK/NK91 ELEKTRONISK MONTERINGSTEKNIKK | TC 91 | Electronics assembly technology | CLC/SR 91 | Electronics assembly technology |
NEK/NK94/95 | NEK/NK94/95 ELEKTRISKE RELEER | TC 94 | Electrical relays | CLC/SR 94 | Electrical relays |
TC 95 | Measuring relays and protection equipment | CLC/TC 95X | Measuring relays and protection equipment | ||
NEK/NK96 | NEK/NK96 SMÅ KRAFTTRANSFORMATORER OG REAKTORER OG SPESIELLE TRANSFORMATORER OG REAKTORER | TC 96 | Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof | CLC/SR 96 | Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof |
NEK/NK97 | NEK/NK97 LUFTHAVNINSTALLASJONER FOR BANELYS | TC 97 | Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes | CLC/SR 97 | Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes |
NEK/NK99 | NEK/NK99 HØYSPENNINGSANLEGG | TC 99 | Insulation co-ordination and system engineering of high voltage electrical power installations above 1,0 kV AC and 1,5 kV DC | CLC/TC 99X | Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. (1,5 kV d.c.) |
PC 127 | Low-voltage auxiliary power systems for electric power stations and substations | CLC/SR 127 | Low-voltage auxiliary power systems for electric power plants and substations
NEK/NK100/209 | NEK/NK100/209 IEC/CLC KABELSYSTEMER FOR LYD, BILDE OG MULTIMEDIA SIGNALER | TC 100 | Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment | CLC/TC 100X | Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment and related sub-systems |
CLC/SR 100 | Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment | ||||
TA 5 | Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services | CLC/TC 209 | Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services | ||
TA 17 | Multimedia systems and equipment for vehicles | ||||
TA 18 | Multimedia home systems and applications for end-user networks | ||||
TA 19 | Environmental and energy aspects for multimedia systems and equipment | ||||
TA 20 | Analogue and digital audio | ||||
NEK/NK101 | NEK/NK101 STATISK ELEKTRISITET | TC 101 | Electrostatics | CLC/SR 101 | Electrostatics |
NEK/NK103 | NEK/NK103 SENDERUTSTYR FOR RADIOKOMMUNIKASJON | TC 103 | Transmitting and receiving equipment for radiocommunication | ||
NEK/NK104 | NEK/NK104 MILJØFORHOLD, KLASSIFIKASJON OG PRØVINGSMETODER | TC 104 | Environmental conditions, classification and methods of test | CLC/SR 104 | Environmental conditions, classification and methods of test |
NEK/NK105 | NEK/NK105 BRENSELCELLER | TC 105 | Fuel cell technologies | CLC/SR 105 | Fuel cell technologies |
NEK/NK106 | NEK/NK106 ELEKTROMAGNETISK FELTEKSPONERING | TC 106 | Methods for the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure | CLC/TC 106X | Electromagnetic fields in the human environment |
NEK/NK107 | NEK/NK107 PROSESSTYRING AV SYSTEMER OG UTSTYR FOR FLYELEKTRONIKK | TC 107 | Process management for avionics | CLC/SR 107 | Process management for avionics |
NEK/NK108 | NEK/NK108 ELEKTRONISKE BRUKSAPPARATERS SIKKERHET | TC 108 | Safety of electronic equipment within the field of audio/video, information technology and communication technology | CLC/TC 108X | Safety of electronic equipment within the fields of Audio/Video, Information Technology and Communication Technology |
NEK/NK109 | NEK/NK109 KOORDINASJON AV ISOLASJON I LAVSPENNINGSUTSTYR | TC 109 | Insulation co-ordination for low-voltage equipment | CLC/SR 109 | Insulation co-ordination for low-voltage equipment |
NEK/NK110 | NEK/NK110 FLATSKJERMUTSTYR | TC 110 | Electronic displays | CLC/SR 110 | Flat panel display devices |
NEK/NK111 | NEK/NK111 MILJØ | TC 111 | Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems | CLC/TC 111X | Environment |
NEK/NK112 | NEK/NK112 ELEKTRISKE ISOLASJONSSYSTEMER | TC 112 | Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems | CLC/SR 112 | Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems (to be defined) |
NEK/NK113 | NEK/NK113 NANOTEKNOLOGI | TC 113 | Nanotechnology for electrotechnical products and systems | CLC/SR 113 | Nanotechnology standardization for electrical and electronics products and systems |
NEK/NK114 | NEK/NK114 MARIN ENERGI – BØLGE- OG TIDEVANNSGENERATORER | TC 114 | Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters | CLC/SR 114 | Marine energy – Wave and tidal energy converters |
NEK/NK115 | NEK/NK115 LIKESPENNINGSOVERFØRINGER OVER 100 kV | TC 115 | High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission for DC voltages above 100 kV | ||
NEK/NK116 | NEK/NK116 ELEKTRISK HÅNDVERKTØY | TC 116 | Safety of motor-operated electric tools | CLC/TC 116 | Safety and environmental aspects of motor-operated electric tools |
NEK/NK117 | NEK/NK117 TERMISK ELEKTRISK SOLKRAFT | TC 117 | Solar thermal electric plants | CLC/SR 117 | Solar thermal electric plants |
NEK/NK118 | NEK/NK118 SMART GRID BRUKERGRENSESNITT | PC 118 | Smart grid user interface | CEN/CLC/ETSI/CG-SG | CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Coordination Group on Smart Grids (CG-SG) |
NEK/NK119 | NEK/NK119 TRYKKET ELEKTRONIKK | TC 119 | Printed Electronics | CLC/SR 119 | Printed electronics |
NEK/NK121 | NEK/NK121 LAVSPENNING BRYTERE, TAVLER OG SKINNESYSTEMER | TC 121 | Switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage | CLC/SR 121 | Switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies for low voltage |
SC 121A | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear | CLC/TC 121A
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear | ||
SC 121B | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies | CLC/SR 121B | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies | ||
CLC/BTTF 170-1 | Common modifications to EN IEC 61439-1:2021 and EN IEC 61439-2:2021 | ||||
NEK/NK122 | NEK/NK122 AC OVERFØRINGSSYSTEM MED UHV | TC 122 | UHV AC transmission systems | CLC/SR 122 | UHV AC transmission systems |
NEK/NK123 | NEK/NK123 STANDARDISERING AV NETTFORVALTININGEN I ELKRAFTSYSTEM | TC 123 | Management of network assets in power systems | CLC/SR 123 | Management of network assets in power systems |
NEK/NK124 | NEK/NK124 WEARABLES | TC 124 | Wearable electronic devices and technologies | CLC/SR 124 | Wearable Electronic Devices and Technologies |
NEK/NK125 | NEK/NK125 PERSONLIG e-TRANSPORTØR (PeTs) | TC 125 | e-Transporters | CLC/SR 125 | Personal e-Transporters (PeTs) |
PC 126 | Binary power generation systems | ||||
NEK/NK128 | NEK/NK128 SIKKERHET VED ARBEID I OG DRIFT AV ELEKTRISKE ANLEGG | PC 128 | Operation of electrical installations | CLC/BTTF 62-3 | Operation of electrical installations |
NEK/NK 210 | NEK/NK 210 ELEKTROMAGNETISK KOMPATIBILITET (EMC) | TC 77 | Electromagnetic compatibility | CLC/TC 210 | Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) |
SC 77A | EMC – Low frequency phenomena | ||||
SC 77B | High frequency phenomena | ||||
SC 77C | High power transient phenomena | ||||
CISPR | International special committee on radio interference | ||||
CIS/A | Radio-interference measurements and statistical methods | ||||
CIS/B | Interference relating to industrial, scientific and medical radio-frequency apparatus, to other (heavy) industrial equipment, to overhead power lines, to high voltage equipment and to electric traction | ||||
CIS/D | Electromagnetic disturbances related to electric/electronic equipment on vehicles and internal combustion engine powered devices | ||||
CIS/F | Interference relating to household appliances tools, lighting equipment and similar apparatus | ||||
CIS/H | Limits for the protection of radio services | ||||
CIS/I | Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers | ||||
CLC/BTWG 154-1 | EMC standardization in the EU regulatory framework | ||||
NEK/NK215 | NEK/NK215 SAMMENKOBLING AV IT-UTSTYR | ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 | Interconnection of information technology equipment | CLC/TC 215 | Electrotechnical aspects of telecommunication equipment |
CLC/TC 205 | Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) | ||||
CLC/TC 219 | Mains communicating systems | ||||
NEK/NKJTC1/SC41 | NEK/NKJTC1/SC41 Internet of Things IoT | ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 | Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection | ||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 | Internet of Things and Digital Twin | ||||
NK eAcc | Universell utforming av IKT | CEN/CLC/ETSI/JWG eAcc | eAccessibility | ||
SN/K 24 (standard.no) | CEN/CLC/JTC 11 | Accessibility in the built environment | |||
SN/K 586 | ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 | Artificial Intelligence | CEN/CLC/JTC 21 | Artificial Intelligence | |
CLC/BTTF 133-1 | Sound systems for emergency purposes which are not part of fire detection and alarm systems | ||||
TA 1 | Terminals for audio, video and data services and content | ||||
CLC/WS 05 | Flow batteries – Requirements and test methods | ||||
SyC COMM | Communication Technologies and Architectures | CLC/SR COMM | Communication Technologies and Architectures | ||
ISO/IEC JTC 1 | Information technology | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 | Coded character sets | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 | Telecommunications and information exchange between systems | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 | Software and systems engineering | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17 | Cards and security devices for personal identification | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 | Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 23 | Digitally Recorded Media for Information Interchange and Storage | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24 | Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 28 | Office equipment | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 | Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 | Automatic identification and data capture techniques | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 | Data management and interchange | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 | Document description and processing languages | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 | User interfaces | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 | Information technology for learning, education and training | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 | Biometrics | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38 | Cloud Computing and Distributed Platforms | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 39 | Sustainability, IT & Data Centres | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 40 | IT service management and IT governance | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 43 | Brain-computer Interfaces | ||||
TC 129 | Robotics for electricity generation, transmission and distribution systems | CLC/SR 129 | Robotics for electricity generation, transmission and distribution systems | ||
PC 130 | Cold storage equipment for medical use | ||||
PC 131 | Rotating electrical machines for the traction of road vehicles | ||||
TA 16 | Active Assisted Living (AAL), wearable electronic devices and technologies, accessibility and user interfaces | ||||
SyC AAL | Active Assisted Living | CLC/SR AAL | Active Assisted Living | ||
TA 2 | Colour measurement and management | ||||
TA 4 | Digital system interfaces and protocols | ||||
TA 6 | Storage media, storage data structures, storage systems and equipment | ||||
TA 15 | Wireless Power Transfer | ||||
SyC SM | Smart Manufacturing | CLC/SR SM | Smart Manufacturing | ||
SyC Smart Cities | Electrotechnical aspects of Smart Cities | CLC/SR Smart Cities | Electrotechnical aspects of Smart Cities | ||
CEN/CLC/ETSI/SF-SSCC | CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Sector Forum on Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities | ||||
SyC LVDC | Low Voltage Direct Current and Low Voltage Direct Current for Electricity Access | CLC/SR LVDC | Low Voltage Direct Current and Low Voltage Direct Current for Electricity Access | ||
SyC BDC | Bio-digital convergence | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS LEVEL-UP | Circularity Protocols for extending the useful Life of Large Industrial Equipment | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 1 | Criteria for conformity assessment bodies | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 2 | Power Engineering | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 3 | Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 4 | Services for fire safety and security systems | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 5 | Space | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 6 | Hydrogen in energy systems | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 10 | Material efficiency aspects for products in scope of Ecodesign legislation | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 12 | Design for All | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 14 | Energy management and energy efficiency in the framework of energy transition | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 16 | Active Implantable Medical Devices | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 17 | Gas Appliances with Combined Heat and Power | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 18 | Weighing instruments | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 19 | Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 20 | Hyperloop systems | ||||
ISO/IEC JTC 3 | Quantum technologies | CEN/CLC/JTC 22 | Quantum Technologies | ||
CEN/CLC/JTC 23 | Horizontal topics for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | ||||
CEN/CLC/JTC 24 | Digital Product Passport (DPP) | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS 017 | Development of a GALILEO enabled label | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS 018 | Assessment of the resilience of transport infrastructure to potentially disruptive events | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS DSO | Digital sovereignty | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS SEA-TITAN | Modular and cross-cutting Power Take-Off units for wave energy converters. Recommendations and laboratory testing | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS SEP2 | Industry Best Practices and an Industry Code of Conduct for Licensing of Standard Essential Patents in the field of 5G and Internet of Things | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS AADSF | Age Appropriate Digital Services Framework | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS HECTOS | CEN-CENELEC Workshop on Guidelines on evaluation systems and schemes for physical security products | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS MADRAS | Advanced materials and processing in organic electronics | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS INACHUS | Urban search and rescue (USaR) robotic platform technical and procedural interoperability | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS MIRACLE | Lens-based adaptor system for coupling fibre optic to laser sources | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS Monsoon | Predictive management of data intensive industrial processes | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS REEMAIN | CEN/CENELEC Workshop on REEMAIN Methodology for Resource and Energy Efficiency Manufacturing | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS SEP-IoT | Workshop on Best Practices and a Code of Conduct for Licensing Industry Standard Essential Patents in 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT), including the Industrial Internet | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS ZONeSEC | Interoperability of security systems for the surveillance of widezones | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS EINSTEIN | Good Practice Thermal Energy Audits (GPTEA) | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS USER CHI | Innovative solutions for user centric charging infrastructure for electric vehicles | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS WiseGRID | Reference model for distribution application for microgrids | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS ZDMbasics | Zero-Defect Manufacturing – Basic Principles and Requirements | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS EFPFInterOp | European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing Interoperability | ||||
CEN/CLC/WS ZDMTerm | Zero Defects in Digital Manufacturing Terminology | ||||
CLC/WS SGRM | CENELEC workshop on Specifications for Graphene Related Material | ||||
CLC/ETSI/JWG DD | ETSI-CENELEC Joint Working Group Digital Dividend | ||||
CLC/WS 04 | Interoperability framework requirements specification for services to the home (IFRS) | ||||
CLC/BTTF 60-1 | Assembly of electronic equipment | ||||
CLC/BTTF 69-3 | Road traffic signal systems | ||||
CLC/BTWG 128-3 | BT efficiency | ||||
CLC/BTTF 129-1 | Thermal resistant aluminium alloy wire for overhead line conductor | ||||
CLC/BTTF 132-1 | Aluminium conductors steel supported (ACSS type) for overhead electrical lines | ||||
CLC/BTTF 132-2 | Revision of EN 50156 «Electrical equipment for furnaces and ancillary equipment» | ||||
CLC/BTWG 143-1 | LVD standardization in the EU regulatory framework | ||||
CLC/BTTF 146-1 | Losses of small transformers : methods of measurement, marking and other requirements related to eco-design regulation | ||||
CLC/BTTF 160-1 | Recurrent Test of Electrical Equipment | ||||
CLC/BTTF 173-1 | Closures for optical distribution points – Outdoor – Aerial l | ||||
CLC/BTTF 176-1 | Managing issues related to harmonization of European standards within the CLC/SR 33 portfolio |